304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
This service helps you prepare plans of your outdoor structure for building permits. All our designs follow the International Residential Code (IRC), ensuring that the structure meets high standards of safety and durability. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to build a new outdoor deck or a contractor needing a plan for a commercial project, we will use your specifications and description to create detailed plans.
Whether you’re building a deck, sunroom, pergola, or gazebo, we have a plan to match your needs. Each package is designed to provide accurate and professional drawings that comply with local building codes for permits.
Get ONE professional drawing for a specific part of your project, ensuring clarity and compliance.
Get a precise site plan to secure permit approval and visualize your project’s placement.
A set of drawings that includes The Framing plan, Foundation Plan and Three Elevations of the structure.
A set of drawings includes The Framing Plan, Foundation Plan, Three Elevations of the Structure and Attachment Details*
Attachment Details*: Footing detail, post-beam connection, joist-beam connection, guardrail post connection, rim joist attachment, stairway details, ledger board details